Saturday, April 20, 2019

skipping stones

the stones skipped over the lake. quite making it to the far shore.

Time and again the girl tried to out-do her brother, but time and again, she drew.

She packed up the picnic things and went back to the cottage to carry on with her easter homework. Her book tells her:

It seems that every 65-70 million years on earth, there is another mass extinction event, when 75-95% of the species of the planet are destroyed. This is followed by a rapid period of evolution when huge numbers of new species emerge, and then a long slow period of stability as creatures and plants find their niche in the new eco-system. This has become known as "punctuated equilibrium".

She thinks back to the anger she packed into each throw of a sliver of slate, imagining it striking the surface of the water like a time bomb, exploding a piece to bounce away again, leaving ripples spreading outwards from each impact.

There couldn't be a link, could there? 

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