it is unbrearably common to hear people mix up the master and marguerita,
or the villain and hero - in these hysterical final days, for example,
the existential threat from AI is almost always couched in terms of arnie
forgetting that he actualy saved people, and it was skynet that was bad - there
are lots more example, see below (spot the deliberate mistakes..)
frankenstein & monster
terminator and skynet
Wopr and Lightman
Colossus and Forbin
Marvin and Deep Thought
Robbie and the Monsters of the Id
Herbie and Susan Calvin
Wintermute and the Matrix
instead imagine we named the Mad Scientist after a type of rice
and their poor maligned AI robot creation after some kind of pasta--
here are some modest proposals - feel free to use them in any scribblings
you might undertake...
Professor Bomba and her loyal Stringozzi
Dr Glutinous' Vermicelli
President Arborio's long lost Linguine
Sushi's secret Capellini
Master Matta's FEvered fusilli
Baron Basmati of the ridiculous Fettuccine
The Lady Jasmine's zealous Ziti
General Arrack's tragic Trenette
Police Constable Patna's terminally trivial Tripoline
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